Sunday, September 25, 2011

steep learning curves ......woof !

some very steep learning curves about what to do first, what is possible to do first , and if you do the wrong thing first it stops the next process happening ....................

but I am fairly pleased with the result ''walking the dog'' its entitled - my aim was to just make a basic automaton. To discover how it moves and how to complete the process.

They are not completed as yet but its a good start.

Now I need more wood to construct more figures and, of course, more time.


Saturday, September 24, 2011


I am going on a journey - a journey into unknown waters - a journey that can take me to all sorts of places ................................with all sorts of outcomes.

I am journeying into the world of automata.

me and my figures.

I cant decide whether to work my figures in wood or material or both ............

so experimenting must be done.

I have been studying mechanisms, gears, cams and cranked handles............... its a whole new world!


Zaz ;0)