Wednesday, June 28, 2006

poor abandoned blog

I am so sorry - to have abandoned my blog! Unforgiveable! But the last month has been manic! I have been house hunting , at least 5 hours a day, trawling the Net , looking for a house !

But, Eureka!!!! I have found one, and the deed is done! Bought and paid for - and now I am in the process of moving in.....................

So, today for the first time in ages I have been working on MsT again - and here she is in her recycled regalia.........

I love MsT - always so happy - and pleased to see me - like the proverbial puppy dog - Ms T resurfaces again!

and the house???

well small it is , but its mine........... and I love the location, the garden and the peace and tranquility

The hen house on the left here will eventually be my studio - at least it will be after extensions are made!

And the house is here on the right !

Cant wait to move in -
