cold again!
minus 7 all day! and they forecast snow - half a metre! So that means shovelling when it arrives ! But at least it will give me something to do !! Although I love my job there isnt so much to do in the winter - so that gives me a chance to catch up on my sketching and drawing.
this little sketch I did in my office - just showing the 'bits' on the window sill - my plant, the little angel, a mug and a vase of flowers ...........not a brilliant sketch bit a short 20 minutes snatch. Quite a nice reminder when I leave to move to another churchyard in April least I have captured a moment in time !
I am so chuffed with my moleskine journal ............and now I read they are bringing out a watercolour version in Feb 2006 ................woooooooo ........cant wait for that! Its on my list of 'must haves'.
Zaz ;-)
Hi Sarah! Thank you for your kind comments on my blog .. (and today was wonderfully stress-free! LOL) I think YOUR figures are so adorable and charming!! I LOVE the whimsy of them!!! I also love your windowsill sketch ... looks warm despite the minus 7 degree cold -- brr!
Nice drawings!
This is a really nice sketch & Your elves are so playful.
I love your windowsill. The warmth of the colouring as well as the detail.
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