Monday, January 16, 2006

challenge 50

well this one coudn't have come at a better time! Really ratty day at work - and they are moving me again ! Another church another churchyard and I dont want to move - really! So my sanctuary is in my art and my home! Believe it !

This sketch was done today when I got home - feeling really ragged and cheesed off - but thankful that I come home and there's my workroom , my art and my sanctuary!

This isnt the main entrance to our home - its the cellar entrance but it is direct into my workroom and I love that! So here it is in all its messiness! washing machine , work bag (just dumped on the stool) and ironing board! Once I get through that door - its bliss!


Blogger Clare said...

Hi Zaz, Great drawing, It is sooo good to have a place of sanctuary, and I felt the warmth and safety from your drawing and description.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Teri said...

I can feel the warmth and safety in this sketch. Comfy and cozy. Great palce to come home to after a lousy day.

2:58 PM  
Blogger Lin said...

NICE DRAWING!! Warm and gentle!

5:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry you had a bad day, but I hope the drawing brought you a sense of peace, that is how it translates to me as I imagine the scene you drew.....

8:21 PM  

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