Tuesday, February 14, 2006

back again!

first time I have blogged for a while! Wont go into the 'oh so boring' details of why not ................but will say - this is a small step back to normality!

Today, I am changing computers - from the old steam driven one in the picture to my new shiny balck model in the other picture!

Now, I could get lost in cyberspace during the transfer ...............so please bear with me !!! I am hoping it will all go smoothly and I lose nothing - but in reality I am expecting to lose absolutely everything!!!

Also today, I have promised myself to do some art - a drawing , a sketch , anything ............ just anything - it is on my list of ' must do's today!

So, people! providing I am back on line later ...............and the transfer went ok ..................and I have finished playing with my new toy ..............I will post in my art bit later!



Blogger Digitalgran said...

Lovely to have you back Sara.
Lovely 'puter! Have you backed up your very important stuff? I have lost things and found out I didn't really miss them at all in the end.
I just think they are important at the time.

I don't think your Techie Snowy will like this screen as much as the old one. Can't you leave your old one somewhere with the stuff still on it and have it on for Snowy to use?

1:20 AM  
Blogger Zaz said...

Thanks margaret - I think you are fantastic ........... absolutely the best !


1:51 AM  
Blogger Helen said...

Hi Sara,
hehe snap...mine looks much like yours and I "invested" this week too. Have you been too busy reading emails to post recently too?? lol

7:41 PM  
Blogger Helen said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Helen said...

sorry was trying to say that I like your new hair doo - the pic really brings you to life :))

7:45 PM  
Blogger Zaz said...

thanks Helen S - comments re hairdo I mean .......its not really the real colour - but ;-)

I am trying to get back to blogging ...........arrggggg too many mails - like you say! still its great fun ;0)


6:20 AM  
Blogger Zaz said...

thanks Helen S - comments re hairdo I mean .......its not really the real colour - but ;-)

I am trying to get back to blogging ...........arrggggg too many mails - like you say! still its great fun ;0)


6:20 AM  
Blogger Liz Plummer said...

Congratulations on a successful changeover, Sara! The hard bit done... Nice computer...

9:41 AM  

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